Hello everyone,
After a very, VERY long while spent tinkering, I have a website!
And a studio. And a business.
I'm planning to use this blog as a space to share updates, thoughts, and also to talk a little bit about the journey I've been on as an artist. If you haven't had the privilege of politely listening to me gush incessantly about this dream over the past ten years or so, it might even be interesting!
In short, I've wanted to live on the side of a mountain and be a potter since I was sixteen. I worked hard, got my BFA, and had no idea what to do next. For the past couple years I've been figuring it out, working a day job, and piecing my studio together. It's been a lot of work, and sometimes it seems painfully slow, but I am doing it. I also read a of blog posts along the way that were helpful and encouraging, so I'll try to make my own version of that here.
